Wednesday, July 18, 2018

20 Ways To Stop Wasting Money - Reading Another's Blog and adding my thoughts

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I recently read a blog article from A Binge Worthy Life about way to stop wasting money.  There were 20 to be exact.  Although, I subscribe to many of the ideas that were mentioned, I thought I would go through the list and give my thoughts on those money wasting actions.


First on their list was greeting cards.  Greeting cards are expensive and it is a shame that many people don’t even kept cards that they receive for any amount of time.  She suggest making your own.  That’s a great idea if you have kids.  Or buy the cheap ones from the Dollar store.  What we do it subscribe to an online card company and print our own.  It’s a year fee, and you make it up, especially if you print a lot of cards.  Not only that, you can customize and personalize the cards.  I believe people appreciate them more, but that’s my opinion.

#2 is cable.  Get rid of cable.  I think many of us have gotten addicted to cable television when it first came out and now we seem to be a slave to the cable company and pay up the wazoo.  With so many digital options today, cable has some composition.  My daughter has never had cable and gets by fine.  So what are we going to do?  We’re going to start slow and get a Roku for one television to see how it works.  That will get a receiver rental and if all works out then we say goodbye to cable for good and save about $1,200 a year!

Moving right along to #3 are magazines.  I stopped my subscriptions years ago and read what’s online or at the library.  Don’t need no stinking magazines.

From magazines to books:  I used to collect books and had many of them.  And then I would get rid of them.  Rarely would I reread a book.  Turns out used book stores (do they still exist) wouldn’t give much for them.  Then I discovered, but then shipping costs were too much.  Since downsizing, not only books but life in general, I get my books from the library.  I don’t buy books either hard copies or digital.  If the library doesn’t have it, I can still request from paperbackswap.  But there are so many free book sites out there, like goodreads, librarything and netgalley, where you can win copies, that I don’t need to buy books to read.  Then there are little libraries all over the place where you can exchange books.  My town has about eight of them all around the town.

Next is Starbucks or other coffee houses.  Since I make my coffee at home and drink at home, we never go to a coffee house and if so, a coupon or gift card is how we save money there.  And only when we travel.  Speaking of traveling, when staying at a hotel they always supply free coffee anyway!

She mentions that bottled water is a waste.  Yeah, it is a waste of plastic.  One can buy bottled water so cheaply now, but the waste comes with the plastic.  We don’t drink bottled water at home, since we filter our water.  But I recycle the bottles of water at home to fill up once with filter water before recycling the bottles.  Bottled water comes in handy when traveling long distances.  Short distances we have our own larger reusable water bottles.

Manicures and Pedicures:  Since I don’t get either, no money spent there and now my wife cut back to only a few times a year.

#8 is Paper plates.  Who uses paper plates?  I understand they are great for picnics and barbeques, and are a time saver, but they are a waste of money.  I have no problem washing dishes and I don’t own a dishwasher!

#9 Individual bottles of soap.  I don’t buy liquid soap, so I am already saving money. Ha-ha!

#10 – Dryer Sheets. So she says they are a waste of money and also can cause harm to your skin because of chemicals.  I am not sure about the harm to skin but I am agreeing that they are a waste of money.  I see no different with my fabrics whether I sue dryer sheets or not.  So I think, I will stop buying them altogether.

#11 – Fabric Softener.  I don’t buy that either as I get the laundry detergent that already has it in it.  Saves money and space and garbage.

Staying with the laundry theme here, #12 is Laundry Detergent.  I am NOT going to make my own but I buy in the largest size when I have a coupon and when it is on sale.  Just check the price per ounce when buying and you can see the savings in buying bigger.

#13 is Salon Hair Care Products.  Don’t buy them.  If I buy shampoo and conditioner it is always Suave products.  But I get a lot of little bottles from hotels when we travel so I am saving big time there!

#14 – Name Brand Products.  There are some name brand products that are much better than the generic brand.  She doesn’t buy generic cereal or generic butter or cream cheese.  To me, there’s no difference, raisin bran is raisin bran. All you are paying for is the advertising.  Canned foods are similar.  The two things that I always buy Name brand is Q-Tips (nobody does it better) and if I feel like indulging, Oreo cookies (but that is rare, we bake our own cookies).

#15 – Name Brand Medication.  We don’t buy much medication, but when we do it is generic.  We don’t use it a lot so why waste the money.

#16 Dining in Restaurants.  Yes, that is a big dip into one’s budget and we’ve cut back a lot.  Eating healthy is expensive and we don’t do fast food restaurants.  We go out on special occasions, when there is a coupon/deal or when we are traveling.  I love to cook, so our grocery bill is bigger than our restaurant bill.

Almost done going through the list. We’re up to #17 – Shredded cheese.  Yes, it is convenient, but check out the cost per ounce and you’ll see you’re almost paying double then block cheese.  And I buy block cheese when there is a BOGO sale so it is even cheaper.  I can shred my own no problem.

#18 – Frozen TV Dinners.  The only ones we used to purchase were Weight Watchers and Lean Cuisine because they were cheap and we were trying to lose weight.  But now I just cook healthy and freeze extra proportions for the time when I don’t have the time to make a fresh meal.  And that’s not too often.

#19 – Pre-cut Fruits and vegetables.  Again, it is all about the convenience and you are paying up the wazoo for someone else to do your work for you.  I don’t buy precut produce.

Last but not least is Alcohol.  Now, that’s a tough one.  One would save a lot of money is one stopped drinking alcohol.  Me, I can get beer on BOGO sales and with Ibotta, I can get cash back which saves on buying liquor.

What are you ways to stop wasting money?  You can check A Binge Worthy Life to see the original post as she also has added tips.  Enjoy!

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